The Four Things that Successful TikTok Campaigns Have in Common

Are you tired of the same old cookie-cutter ads that seem to pop up everywhere on your social media? Well, so are consumers! That's why TikTok creators and brands have turned to the power of collaborations to create messages that stand out. Indeed, a brand-creator partnership on TikTok can make one potent marketing duo.

And we’re talking highly potent: TikTok creators have the demonstrated ability to drive product sellouts and the revivals of once-dormant brands on the platform. 64% of TikTok users purchase merchandise after viewing advertisements featuring creators. But what makes these collaborative campaigns so effective? In this blog, we'll dive into the four key elements that the most successful TikTok creator campaigns have in common.

1. Keep it unscripted 

According to internal research by TikTok Creator Marketplace, the most engaging creator content is delivered in the creator's personal voice. The authenticity of a creator's content is what makes it so appealing to viewers in the first place, so a marketing script can feel jarring and disingenuous. Instead of using a script, be sure to provide sufficient and salient details that will ensure the creator comes across as knowledgeable. In TikTok content, knowledge is king: a creator’s knowledgeability is the #1 factor that influences a consumer’s likelihood to purchase a product they encounter on TikTok.

2. Keep it entertaining and natural

Holding viewers' attention requires compelling content. TikTok viewers spend 26% longer watching ads that are considered entertaining compared to ads with low entertainment value. That being said, content shouldn’t just be entertaining; it should be natural, too. Integrating a brand into a video naturally is key; viewers will disengage if a brand feels forced into a creator's content. Brands and creators should work together to identify organic ways to infuse branded content into creator-led content. When creators and brands incorporate a creator's signature storytelling style within branded content, the resulting videos are more likely to provide the entertainment viewers expect. 

3. Keep it (strategically) trendy

TikTok is known for its viral trends, but not all of them will make sense for every brand or creator. Taking on a trend without strategic consideration can leave your branded content merely dance-challenging around your target. Brands should work with creators to find trends that feel organic, honest, and in line with a brand’s ethos. Participating in appropriate trends is a great way to show that your brand is staying up-to-date with the latest on TikTok, and most viewers (77%) have a more favorable opinion of brands that initiate or get involved in TikTok trends.

4. Keep it (appropriately) community-centered

TikTok is a platform made up of subcultures, and tapping into those communities can give you a built-in audience. But, similar to selecting the appropriate trends, it's essential to select the communities that align with your brand. When creators and brands tap into the right communities, it can foster a connection with the audience, who appreciate TikTok’s different niches. 70% of users believe they belong to a TikTok community, and 76% of viewers appreciate it when brands are part of specific interest groups on the platform. 

All in all, TikTok creator campaigns are effective because they are collaborative efforts between brands and creators who understand the importance of authenticity, storytelling, trends and community. If you're a brand looking to make your mark on TikTok, remember these four key elements, and you'll be on the fast track to success on the platform.

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